Implements the W3C webdriver specification.


Implements the W3C webdriver specification.

Package options

seleniumPipes uses the following options to configure behaviour:

  • seleniumPipes_display_screenshot: Logical value indicating whether to display PNG returned by takeScreenshot and takeElementScreenshot. Defaults to TRUE

  • seleniumPipes_no_try: An integer giving the number of time to try calling an endpoint on the Selenium Server. Defaults to 3 attempts

  • seleniumPipes_no_try_delay: An integer detailing the delay between attempts to call a failing endpoint on the Selenium Server. Defaults to 5000 miliseconds = 5 seconds.

  • seleniumPipes_SL: A logical value which acts as a flag indicating whether SauiceLabs is being used for package testing.

  • seleniumPipes_selOptions: A list used to store options to pass to remoteDr when running tests.

  • seleniumPipes_sauceID: A character used to store remote session ids when running SauceLab tests on the package.