Delete a given cookie.


deleteCookie(remDr, name = NULL, ...)


An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.
character: The name of the cookie; may not be null or an empty string
Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


invisible(remDr): An object of class "rDriver" is invisibly returned. A remote driver object see remoteDr. This allows for chaining from this function to other functions that take such an object as an argument. See examples for further details.


deleteCookie Delete the cookie with the give name.


## Not run: ------------------------------------ # # assume a server is running at default location # remDr <- remoteDr() # remDr %>% go("") %>% # getTitle() # # get the cookies # remDr %>% getCookie() # # get a named cookie # remDr %>% getCookie("NID") # # add our own cookie # remDr %>% addCookie(name = "myCookie", value = "12") # # check its value # remDr %>% getCookie("myCookie") # # delete our cookie # remDr %>% deleteCookie("myCookie") # # check its deleted # remDr %>% getCookie("myCookie") # # # delete all cookies # remDr %>% getCookie() # remDr %>% deleteAllCookies() %>% # getCookie() # # remDr %>% deleteSession() ## ---------------------------------------------