Execute JavaScript asynchronously on browser.


executeAsyncScript(remDr, script, args = list(), replace = TRUE, ...)


An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.
character: The script to inject.
The arguments of the script as a list.
logical: If TRUE any elements identify as web Elements are converted to such.
Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


If replace is TRUE parses the response from the server for web Elements and converts as such. Otherwise the content returned is assummed to be a simple list.


executeAsyncScript Inject a snippet of JavaScript into the page for asynchronous execution in the context of the currently selected frame.


The driver will pass a callback as the last argument to the snippet, and block until the callback is invoked.


## Not run: ------------------------------------ # remDr <- remoteDr() # # Get the page source # remDr %>% go("https://www.google.com/ncr") %>% # getPageSource # # remDr %>% getTitle() # webElem <- remDr %>% findElement("css", "img#hplogo") # # check if the logo is hidden # remDr %>% executeScript("return document.getElementById('hplogo').hidden;", args = list()) # # [1] FALSE # # hide the logo # remDr %>% executeScript("document.getElementById('hplogo').hidden = true;", args = list()) # # Make the logo visible this time passing a web Element as an argument # remDr %>% executeScript(script = "return arguments[0].hidden = false;", args = list(webElem)) # # # Pass arguments # remDr %>% executeScript(script = "return argument[1] + argument[2];" # , args = list(1, 2)) # # # Return a web Element # remDr %>% executeScript(script = "return document.getElementById('hplogo');", args = list()) # # ElementId: 0 # # Remote Driver: # # Remote Ip Address: http://localhost:4444/wd/hub # # Remote sessionId: 9a83672a-d72b-4873-aa7d-96f7f1f80fa0 # # # Return a web Element in a more complex object # script <- "var test ={num:1, str:'a', el:document.getElementById('hplogo')};return test;" # remDr %>% executeScript(script = script # , args = list()) # # $str # # [1] "a" # # # # $num # # [1] 1 # # # # $el # # ElementId: 0 # # Remote Driver: # # Remote Ip Address: http://localhost:4444/wd/hub # # Remote sessionId: 9a83672a-d72b-4873-aa7d-96f7f1f80fa0 # # # Run with replace = FALSE # remDr %>% executeScript(script = script # , args = list(), replace = FALSE) # # $str # # [1] "a" # # # # $num # # [1] 1 # # # # $el # # $el$ELEMENT # # [1] "0" # # remDr %>% setTimeout("script") # # asScript <- "cb = arguments[0];setTimeout(function(){cb('DONE');},5000); " # system.time(test1 <- remDr %>% executeAsyncScript(asScript, args = list())) # sScript <- "setTimeout(function(){},5000); return 'DONE';" # system.time(test2 <- remDr %>% executeScript(sScript, args = list())) # # # remDr %>% deleteSession() ## ---------------------------------------------