Get current window position


getWindowPosition(remDr, ...)


An object of class "rDriver". A remote driver object see remoteDr.
Additonal function arguments - Currently passes the retry argument.


Returns a list which contains the x coordinate to position the window at, relative to the upper left corner of the screen and the Y coordinate to position the window at, relative to the upper left corner of the screen


getWindowPosition The Get Window Position command returns the position on the screen of the operating system window corresponding to the current top-level browsing context.


## Not run: ------------------------------------ # remDr <- remoteDr() # remDr %>% getWindowHandle() # The current window handle # remDr %>% getWindowHandles() # All windows in the session # # # Get the window position # remDr %>% getWindowPosition # # # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points # remDr %>% getWindowPositionOld # # # Get the size of the window # remDr %>% getWindowSize # # # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points # # remDr %>% getWindowSizeOld # # # Set the window size # remDr %>% setWindowSize(500, 500) # # # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points # remDr %>% setWindowSizeOld(500, 500) # # # Set the position of the window # remDr %>% setWindowPositionOld(400, 100) # # # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points # # remDr %>% setWindowPositionOld(400, 100) # # # Maximise the window # remDr %>% maximizeWindow # # Some browsers are still using the old JSON wire end points # # remDr %>% maximizeWindowold() # # remDr %>% go("") # # search for the "R project" # # remDr %>% findElement("name", "q") %>% elementSendKeys("R project", key = "enter") # # webElem <- remDr %>% findElement("css", "h3.r a") # # remDr %>% deleteSession ## ---------------------------------------------